
By momcat1

I'm outta here

This was my husband's choice for the main photo today . It was an typical March day in NY with 40-50 (and higher ) degree weather of the last few weeks turning into the 30 degrees with snow squalls on and off all day kind of March  day you expect. The snow would stop after 30 min and the sun would come out and it all would melt . We had some stick later in the day . The birds were at the feeders in force all day. the cardinal was in the bushes across the road , I am trying to get into  extras, and took off after his mate. Oddly enough it looks like the cardinal in the bushes loads but then disappears so there may be none , 1 or 4 of those in extras. HMMMMM
There is also a grackle , who lit up in the sun.

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