Today's the day ....................... to watch the birdies
We took Penny to Threave Castle Nature Reserve today - because we'd heard that the ospreys were back, after their winter holiday in Senegal. And they were indeed there - both the male and the female - perched on the nest, waiting for something to happen.
The warden at the hide told us that probably there would soon be eggs to look after, if all went according to plan. Actually, this year, there is another nesting site that can be viewed from the Stepping Stones hide - and excitingly, another female osprey has been seen investigating it in recent days. However, today apparently, a Greylag goose had temporarily taken up residence?!
Other residents of Threave, that it is always a pleasure to see, were the cattle - and in particular, the Belted Galloways (see extra). They wear special GPS collars round their necks and are very much part of the Threave Landscape Restoration Project. The collars enable the use of technology to create an open landscape with 'virtual fences' surrounding the areas that need special protection and conservation - but also allow the herd of suckler cows and calves to thrive. It's a win - win situation for all ........................
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