one thousand cranes

"I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world."

So said twelve year old Sadako Sasaki.
As a two year old she was one of so many affected by the dropping of the Atomic bomb on Hiroshm on August 6th, 1945.
She developed leukemia and during her time in hospital, a friend suggested she fold 1000 origami cranes.
According to legend, anyone who folds 1000 cranes may have a wish fulfilled by the Gods. Sadako folded 644 before she died aged 12. The remainder were completed by her brother and friends.

In memory of Sadako, many still fold 1000 cranes and they are hung from a statue to honour her and world peace.

(This in our local library and while three days after the anniversary of Hiroshima's bombing, I think well worth remembering.)

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