Action Shots
I took 3 pictures of the apricot flower, because I liked the shadow of the anthers on the petals, and the colours. At the moment, I welcome gentle images. The first picture has no photo-bomber; it only crept into the second and third. I only ever saw it in the images, not face to face
The new bees are settling in nicely and doing everything they should do. I took them a few frames of nice new wax foundation to expand on to, if they feel like it in the improving weather. The fuzzy picture is a plastic pack of sugar fondant, with a slightly sci-fi circle of probosci poking into it
In the five days since the other colony was rudely re-located, they have created new wax comb, filled it with pollen (and the syrup we are feeding them, not in shot) and, just today I think, the queen has started laying eggs. Fast work
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