Shopping by Bus
Frank had physio in Settle this morning so I went on the bus with him as he’s not allowed to drive yet.
We needed fruit and veg and some other things so off I went to Booth’s with my rucksack and two fold up shopping bags. As usual I got more than I should but managed to carry my rucksack on my back and a heavy bag in each hand. It was fine until I saw these lovely Button daisies outside a shop and I just had to have them. I struggled to carry them to the bus stop where Frank was waiting but we got them home and now they are looking lovely in pots.
The weather has been beautiful. I got the bedding washed and dried and back on the bed.
Tomorrow is Frank’s birthday so we are going on the bus to Kirby Lonsdale for a day out.
Goodnight and thank you for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts for my last Blip about the concert.
Goodnight ;-) X
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