
By spannarama

Bicclescombe Park

I had this morning off work - a really good move, as it was a beautiful sunny day.  Spent quite a bit of time in the front garden with Tim - first for a cuppa, and later to eat my lunch.

Had a worrying message from my sister this morning though, saying that my Mum's carer had found her struggling to breathe, and very weak.  Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if she's allergic to me - this is the third time she's suddenly become ill after I've been to stay, having been absolutely fine when I was there.  My sister called the paramedics, and they checked her over thoroughly, but didn't think it was anything too serious (an infection maybe).  Mum slept for most of the day - my sister went back round this evening and, thankfully, she seemed a bit better.  Rach helped her get up and she ended up having some dinner, drinking plenty of water, and ultimately feeling a lot better.  Phew.

Tim and I had a nice gentle walk round Bicclescombe Park after work this evening.  Made a very happy (and surprising) discovery, after having previously found the leat nearly empty and most of the tadpoles apparently dead - hundreds (if not thousands) of very-much-alive tadpoles!

Spring has sprung.

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