Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Rainy Days and Mondays...

In this instance, one and the same.  Actually it has mostly been drizzly all day - just enough to make it feel chilly and a bit raw outside.  I finally ventured out late in the afternoon and had a very cooperative male Cardinal willing to pose for a few shots.  I had to desaturate the color just a bit - cloudy days can really amp up the color saturation, especially reds.  I'm sure there is a very scientific reason for this, although I've no idea what it is.  Just know it happens.

I'm heading over the the Fairgrounds shortly to meet the President of Equine Events for a walk-through of the horse venues.  I am going to be doing some photos this season, which I'm really looking forward to, and she has offered to give me the "lay of the land."  The first event is coming up at the end of next month, so I want to be as prepared as I can be.  

Tomorrow morning out new kitchen table is being delivered so I am going to take Jax out for a drive so that he doesn't try to "supervise" the delivery.  He is a big barker and can be intimidating to someone who doesn't know dogs or is afraid of them so better for me to take him on a joy ride.  We've been without a kitchen table for about 3 months so it will be nice to have one again!


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