Not done a lot today. Mostly rested.
This afternoon sun was out, but an icy wind..
So spent a few minutes in the front garden.
In about 5-6 weeks time, it will be full of colourful wildflowers.
But in the meantime, I have bought some artificial silk flowers just for a bit of colour.
The tulip leaves came up, but no tulips, so I've given each set of tulip leaves a silk tulip...or two...
Every now and then a lone daffodil has come up. Badger has eaten the rest of them....I could not find any silk daffodils, but I could find some narcissi. So I have given each daffodil a silk narcissi or two.
Then I have some splendid silk forsythia... my real young Forsythia trees, got trampled and mangled by the badgers and they died....
I have attached the branches of yellow forsythia flowers to some dead branches.... and they look brilliant. I've also put some in the back garden - the yellow silk forsythia flowers. They are a great yellow colour. It looks quite good with me sitting inside by the window and looking at this little garden 'room'. There is the bench in it, I bought to celebrate J and I also have a little red heart description for J and my little dog Meg, attached the bench. She has been gone 10 years now. There is a cherry tree to the left but it barely has any flowers on it. They were only ever one small layer of petals. And it seems to have struggled over the years. So not to fear, I now have a garland of pale pink silk cherry flowers. Tomorrow I will try and put them up. And then the 'room' is complete.
It is completely surrounded by my overground natural garden. And I can go and sit on the bench with a coffee or tea any time day and no one will notice I am there..... and I can also see it from the warm side of the window.
Then in six weeks time, natural colourful wildflowers will take over for more or less the rest of the year. The wild garlic is just coming out. Yellow Celendine is just coming out....purple crocuses have just died off ... and there are a couple of bushes which flower late spring and summer and into winter. The massive bumblebees have already started arriving looking for my pink flowering bush and they keep coming in my window and bumping into me and I have to guide them out again...
A restorative afternoon....
So you get a kaleidoscope today for my creative...
Take care
Have a good evening...
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