
By debsdad

Eye of toad

Did a bit of sorting out in the garden first thing and found that the celeriac seed wasn't germinating, it was very old seed. We went to the garden centre and got some more. When we got home I cleared the cold frame and dug it over then put some plants from the greenhouse in there . I potted on a few geranium plants we  got from the garden centre.
This afternoon I decided to go for a walk as far as the village pond quite a few male toads sitting around waiting for the girls to turn up but this one was lucky.
I sent a note to an organ building friend for advice and help with sorting out the organ and got a reply this afternoon saying he would be pleased to do it, good news 
Do have a look at the extra our village claim to fame he was instrumental in putting the first man on the moon. I met him a few times through work  
Lovely day cloudy to start then sunny and warm, went for my walk this afternoon without a jacket for the first time this year 

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