
By gblrps

Whisky Collection

Back in December I mentioned the scare we had with my brother in law, but fortunately things turned out well on that occasion. . 

Not so a couple of weeks ago when there was a repeat of him being uncontactable, but this time it didn't have a good outcome. 

He had become a recluse and was a bit of a collector and hoarder, so clearing his house is a huge task which will take many weeks.   And so much stuff is coated in dust. 

Anyway I have started photographing his whisky collection which is massive - mostly miniatures.   But some are valuable.  I'm learning about fill levels as over the years these can reduce quite a bit, and collectors will know what to expect.  The one on the left is rated as 'Upper Neck' or 'Into Neck'.   The middle one is 'Middle Shoulder', and the one on right is 'Below Shoulder'. 

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