
By Scobes

Phase 2, engage....

....ten roofers and one woofer (a gorgeous black retriever called Bill) arrived at 7.30am and surrounded the house in scaffold by lunchtime. Half the group then left and the remaining five humans and the dog spent the afternoon removing the roof tiles on one elevation. They've just left and will be (hopefully) back tomorrow to complete the removal of all tiles and sarking.  The original house builder didn't use any OSB in 1967, so it looks incredibly fragile. When our new roof goes back on we'll have OSB and tyvek under the new tiles. 

We also managed a trip to Gala to finalise the spec for the kitchen before helping to locate the frantic owner of a run-away irish setter that dashed in front of my van in Melrose Co-op car park. Grateful owner and slightly dopey setter reunited, I pootled home to take delivery of 16 solar panels. 

Have you every watched Grand Designs where the idiots are trying to completely re-build their house in 4 weeks for a budget of £3000.....that's us. 

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