
By Hamp5on

Moving Mayhem

A full on day, and I'm so glad I decided to make Sunday lunch last night so we could just shove it in the oven when we got home!! Even more pleased as Gemma ended up staying to eat with us.
As we've got no car, and Sunday buses didn't work to get to church early enough, we ended up having to get a taxi again - much to Nate's total delight.
It was an absolute privilege to meet extra early to pray with a guy who is wanting some extra support at the moment. Danny, Alanna and I felt really moved by the time, as did he.
Straight from lunch I went to go help Stef move things out of her rental and into the new flat she bought last week. Man it was heavy work! Snapped is her trying to rescue a stuck suitcase from under the bed... 5 hours later and I was home again. Moving is no joke!
I've had a headache and stomach ache all day. Looking forward to a early night. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Praying with Danny, Alanna and N. 
2) Tasty lunch... Cottage pie, proper comfort food. Extra needed as Asha's feeling quite rough with a very heavy knock-you-sideways cold. 
3) Time with Stef and being able to be useful to her. 

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