Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Star Wars ...

..A new hope.  Maggy hopes that she gets a treat for all the posing malarky.  Lesley and Gilly's theme for today was a book or film title.  I was going to do Day of the Triffids but then got distracted with Star Wars.  Thanks for hosting.

And may I say that I need to improve my negotiating skills with the weather gods.  It sprinkled down at various times last night with a couple of times being quite heavy.  All the cast were in sensible trainer type shoes that had good traction on the stage.  In the finale, it really pelted down.  I felt so sorry for the cast,  their costumes were getting wet and Adelaide had water dripping off her arms as she was sleeveless.  It was described as an all weather event.  They did a roaring trade on white plastic ponchos and at times I thought I might have been at a KKK meeting.  I have put one up in the extra of some of the audience.  Despite all of this, I really enjoyed the production.

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