I got up today, unpacked, had a bath and then waited for GG. We were supposed to be meeting for coffee but she decided to go to a choral concert instead, and tried to encourage me along. I was not best pleased but let’s just say I don’t always look for support in the most supportive quarters. Eventually, CleanSteve and I went out to the museum in the park, where we saw an excellent exhibition called Street, highlighting steeet photographs of women and children, shot by Shirley Baker in Manchester and Salford in the 1960s and 70s. The images were touching and evocative, visual storytelling at its best. We bumped into Fred Chance, the curator, and chatted to him. He says there is now a great deal of interest in Robert’s’ work.
Back at home, I read and slept and read and slept, while CleanSteve made soup for supper. Since then I’ve been watching programmes on BBC Scotland and mending another scarf, this one woollen, in Ancient Hunting McIntyre. Patchwork is not going so well, owing to unforeseen circumstances and a lack of talent, but at least I’m now mending scarves and have made the necessary contacts to find a cat sitter when needed (it was through that group, two weeks ago, that I found the Cat in a flat agency and our recent sitter, the excellent Ali).
Hellebores were snapped in Stratford Park. I’m back to work again tomorrow.
PS the photos were by Shirley Baker. I’ve corrected the error above
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