Morning Star is highlight of the History Museum
A very nice day, during which I actually managed to get off my arse and out of the house. Slept pretty well, and woke around 9 to find Mrs. Ottawacker had taken Ottawacker Jr. to his early morning soccer assessments and left me snoring in bed. Well done!
Made breakfast, then drove with Dirk to the Canadian Museum of History, where we decided to revisit part of the exhibition we had seen last time around and catch up. They have provided, in the Grand Hall, seats from which you can take in the dome mural Morning Star (blip). Really nicely done. That whole hall is excellent, to be honest.
Back around 2pm, and while Mrs. Ottawacker had a nap, I prepared roast lamb. Mitch over for dinner too – and a very pleasant evening was had. Still off the wagon. Stayed up till late chatting with Dirk.
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