Road of the Mire

I noticed this sign the other day. I had not known know that 'City Road' in Welsh was 'Heol y Plwca'. Some say that 'Heol y Plwca' is 'Road of the Mire' some say 'Gallows Street'. I'm not sure ...

In 2006, City Road celebrated its centenary because it was 100 years since Cardiff was named a city. The plaque commemorates the celebration.

(I noticed one or two errors on the plaque. 'Groffenaf' for example.)

Sylwais i'r arwydd hon y diwrnod arall. Do'n i ddim wedi gwybod bod 'City Road' yn Gymraeg oedd 'Heol y Plwca'. Rhai yn dweud bod 'Heol y Plwca' ydy 'Road of the Mire' rhai yn dweud ' Gallows Street' Dw i ddim yn siŵr...

Yn 2006, dathlodd Heol y Plwca ei chanmlwyddiant achos roedd e'n 100 o flynyddoedd ers Caerdydd wedi enwi dinas. Roedd y plac yma yn coffáu'r dathliad.

(Sylwais i un neu dau gamgymeriad ar y plac. 'Groffenaf' er enghraifft.)

1. Heol y Plwca British History Online, Schedule of Place Names
2. 'where heretics were hanged' Dancing the Polka, Yr hen ddinas
3. City Road Peter Finch, Real Cardiff
4. 'death junction' The Guardian, 'death junction'

Old photographs: This bird has flown, Rowlestone Court Meadow

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