This morning I got to sit in on one of Sanibel's classes. Part of the competition is to take dance classes in different disciplines, and this one was jazz funk.
I couldn't believe how quickly these dancers had to learn and perform a very complicated routine. After everyone had performed, the instructor called out 5 of the 50 plus dancers to perform for the class. Sanibel was one of the 5.
That was just the beginning of her day. She had three other hour long classes before performing again in the finale.
Yesterday was such a sweep for our girls. Sanibel's 9 dance numbers scored the highest scores given, and they won 1st place in 4 divisions. Such an amazing and emotional event, and we feel so honored to be able to share it with Sanibel and her mom. (Becky is actually a SUPERMOM!)
Update for my own memory reminder...
Al and I left after I watched this class, so we didn't know about the drama that unfolded later in the day. After two more intense classes lasting 45 minutes each, Sanibel told her mom she wasn't feeling well. She was supposed to take another class and dance in the closing number.
She experienced this a year and a half ago, and it probably has something to do with overexertion combined with her joint hypermobility condition. She had medicine for nausea, but it wasn't enough.
She was trying to recuperate for 4 hours, but was unable to be onstage to receive her awards or dance in the final number. She finally felt well enough to make the hour and a half trip home, but she was so sad not to be present to accept the awards and to dance with her team.
She's at the doctor today (Monday) to figure out if she needs a specialist and how to cope with it if it happens again.
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