a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Red Headed Squawker

I've spent most of today looking at other people's photographs.  A little while back I was asked to be one of the selectors for this year's RPS Natural History Group exhibition.   Today was the day that the selectors met to deal with the selection for the exhibition and the giving of the various medals and awards.

As a result there hasn't been much time to take photos of my own, so I hope you will forgive me - but here is a male Red Headed Barbet taken during last week's trip to the Ecuadorian Andes.  I'm hoping that I will have enough spare time tomorrow to update this journal with the 4 missing days from the trip, although I do have a 2 hour (!) appointment with the dietician tomorrow, courtesy of the NHS.  I may have more to say about the usefulness of that in Monday's journal entry, let's wait and see :-) 

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