I tried taking an iphone portrait of these daffs to see if it would soften the background more than usual. ... and it did. It didn't come up with a message to say it couldn't find a face so that was helpful :)
I have been feeling yukky with this cold I have picked up.. yesterday was a wipe-out and I decided not to go out to supper with friends with my husband.. so he went alone and I had an early night at home. Today we were meant to be out to lunch with friends but still feeling rubbish so we agreed neither of us would go. That has freed up the day somewhat so the new tables have had their second and perhaps last coat of oil on their tops and will be ready to use when the weather warms up a bit ready to eat outside. I have planted some lily of the valley I have been given. I very much doubt it will grow but we will see.. I have left it outside in a bag for a couple of months (forgot about it) and I was worried it would have rotted but it seemed ok in the end and the roots were robust. Any leaves that were a bit slimy I removed .. yippee.. I do love lily of the valley so I hope it grows. I have never had any success with it so we shall see.
When I went out into the garden I heard this wall of birdsound. It turned out to be a huge flock of either redwing or fieldfare gathering in the tops of the woodland trees down the hill. Such an amazing sound.. rather like a starling roost. Perhaps they are gathering before flying off on their migration once more. I also heard the blackcap briefly.. and a mistle thrush which is lovely.
Back inside warming up now.. cup of tea time I think
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