
By K9tam

Get Together.

Not my picture, or even taken today. It was yesterday. But I have added an extra taken by me today … Rina again!

This group is Hayley and her university friendship group, a very close group of wonderful friends. This year and last they have been celebrating 40th birthdays and 20 years of friendship. They were due to meet in Brighton, but the threat of rail strikes put paid to ghat. So, London it was. Hayley recommended the hotel and pub/restaurants we went to last year for my big birthday. It was perfect, They didn’t use public transport at all, everything was on hand. They visited the Tate Modern, and generally had a fantastic celebration. The logistics of tying in a date is, as you can imagine, a nightmare, so congratulations to them all, only one person missing. Hayley is the one in the spotted jumper.

Extra is Rina …. She can read. She was shattered after her off lead canal walk, and suffering the indignity of feet and undercarriage wash!

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