
By EvelyneNC

Another grey and wet day

But a Sunday. Brightened by these tulips that have survived the sojourn from our former garden to the new one. They were planted in planter boxes just for the purpose of being cut one day to brighten a day like this. The little girl is my oldest granddaughter, 5 years ago. How I regret that I could not spend more time with her. It was the Covid summer and no travels were allowed. Now she is a pretty tall eight year old and full of the little behaviors of school kids…
Being grateful for a quiet morning, a nice breakfast and no important tasks waiting for me or us. Most urgent tasks have been accomplished last week.
What different conditions of life so many people have all around the world. And how few have peace or enough to eat.
I don’t believe in a God. Otherwise I would bitterly complain over the injustice that so so many have to live under dismal conditions all over the world. Young and old…

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