The white heather at the front of the front garden bed is looking stunning and almost deserves a blip on its own. Anyway, it gets to feature as part of a front garden collage.
I made a bit of progress tidying stuff up in the front today, and also assisted Mr A with some tasks at the back. The task we were most proud of was managing to wrestle / dismantle the TV aerial that came down off the roof (intentionally, I must say, when we had the soffits and fascia boards done in the autumn) into our grey bin. We didn't even have to make a trip to the tip. The aerial is redundant as we get our tv through freesat via a satellite dish which is a bit ugly, but necessary. And ironically now that I know we use it, and need it, I find it less annoying than I did to have a satellite dish on the house. In addition, we also put down some plastic sheeting rescued from the soffit and fascia board renewal in order to kill the grass at the back, in preparation for another flower bed going in against the back fence (who needs grass?). So the garden is just starting to look like it is emerging into spring and is a lot tidier than it was and that just lifts my heart, in these difficult times.
In the evening, we went to a Sutherland Sessions concert at Dornoch West Church Hall. I won a raffle prize for the first time since I was about 8. Bizarrely, I won two of them. I gave one (a CD) to N and A, and brought the other one back home (a bunch of flowers....not sure what we'll do with them on Monday when we go back to Edinburgh). The supporting act was three young women from local communities doing traditional music. They were great. I'm afraid we were less keen on the main act, as while he was very funny, he is a better comedian, to be honest, than he is a musician. His lyrics are quite thought provoking, he has a good voice, but his tune lines are very samey, and his guitar playing.....hmmm.... Hey ho.
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