
By Beewatcher

This too has passed

Five years ago today, Fred Scuttle appeared on tv in the evening and announced, “ You must stay at home “.Although this wasn’t good news, it could have been worse, as it had been suggested that people over seventy might possibly be told that they had to stay home for four months.
With everyone in the same boat, there began an extraordinary time that seemed to go on for ever. One out one in shopping at the Co-op, making and getting excited phone calls saying this shop or that shop had stocks of flour, or toilet rolls, or baked beans , or a multitude of things. Life seemed to turn upside down.
I posted the picture above for my blip the next day, wondering how difficult it would be finding something to photograph every day while only leaving home for essential reasons.
We began to hear of local people dying from COVID, though we were lucky enough not to lose any loved ones. What a unique, frightening and unsettling time it was.
This beautiful camellia is in memory of all who lost their lives to the virus, and in gratitude to everyone who worked so hard to treat and defeat it.

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