Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Poppadoms Or Bread, Katherine Parkinson?!

Rich and I popped to London today for a live recording of the Off Menu podcast; if you haven't listened to it before, it's a huge recommend from me. Comedians Ed Gamble & James Acaster interview other famous folks by having them create a menu for their dream meal. Before the show we spent a little time pootling around Oxford Circus, and scoffing some Five Guys burgers, which was lovely. The show itself was absolutely fabulous; I laughed pretty much the entire time from start to finish.

Man, I love comedy. Life has been a bit rough of late (and that's just me, not even including the scary mess that is the world at large), but for almost 3hrs tonight I forgot everything and laughed til I could barely breathe. Brilliant.

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