
By maureen6002

Lili being Lili!

We spend a delightful afternoon with Daniel, Solveig and Lili.  Despite the forecast of rain, the weather is kind to us and we sit outside in the garden while Lili runs around barefoot on the grass. 

There’s playing in her Fisher Price car, and trying out the new cycle trailer which Daniel will be using to transport her back and forth to nursery. She clearly loves this - and very sensibly it has room for two! 

Books are always around - her current favourites being The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Tiddler - her favourite creatures are fish and owls! G has the honour of her sitting on his knee for about a minute, but Lili’s constantly on the go today and is reluctant to remain still for any length of time. 

Her parents have been longing for her hair to be long enough to put into tiny little pigtails and she does look very cute. This hairstyle lasts for several hours, but then she decides to pull one out. Despite Daniel’s efforts to redo it, she’s obviously had enough and removes both, so the resultant hairstyle is completely wild! 

So there’s the opportunity for lots of photos - and Lili’s range of expressions continues to grow, her current favourite being a frown! 

My main’s a typical Lili face, and there are just a few self-indulgent extras! 

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