
By lorrained1980

Arghhh no blip ?

We have had the most lazy, boring day today. I have literally not done a thing apart from a few jobs around the house.
Lola is a pleasure to be around at the moment, she is talking so much and attempts to repeat nearly everything you say to her. If she wants something she grabs my top or hand and attempts to pull me in the direction of where she wants to be.
Lola understands everything that you say to her which is good because she can understand what you want her to do but is not so good when it's something she doesn't want to do (like having her nappy changed)
Lola constantly is climbing on top of the kitchen table so we have to put the chairs on the table (when we remember) , today she has mastered climbing on top of the tv unit. Lola loves the programme called something special with mr tumble (she calls him mumble) and yells muuuummmmmbbbbllleeee when she would like to watch it. We bought her the mr mumble magazine the other day and she was devastated that we wouldn't let her take it to bed.
Lola is still dairy intolerant and we are always struggling to keep on top of it, I gave her cheese last week thinking her intolerance had calmed down and it's taken a week to get her poo looking normal ish ??
I'm writing all this down as a reminder for myself as to where she is at, Lola will be 19 months in 13 days !

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