My father in laws birthday today. He is 79 years young. He had actually forgotten it was his birthday this morning when he woke up and didn't realise until nana brought him his gifts.
As always we get more than one cake for whoevers birthday it is so that everyone is happy. I really got the coffee and walnut one for me and my mil.
I'm feeling loads better today. So pretty sure it was a stress tummy as I was only sick once from the pain of my cramps. But so much better just a little tired as a wildling had another nightmare and woke up screaming the place down.
We have had a busy day and I'm trying to prepare for tomorrow and pack my biggest wildlings bag as he is going away to a school residential on Monday. He's never been away from home before. He's excited.
I'm aiming for a early night and will take loads of photos tomorrow. Eeeek
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