
By LadyFindhorn

A Red Pepper Day

This red pepper was put out of its miserable existence in the vegetable drawer of the fridge when I put it in to my sausage and vegetable stew- just in time by the  appearance of some of its seeds. I feel so virtuous when I have emptied this drawer leaving nothing but some garlic.
The other image is a desperate blip of Bruntsfield Place after I bought rolls at the Co-op there.

Before all the vegetable chopping and roll buying, I scooted down town to meet my Ivy school friend who had bought  tickets for our old school choir and orchestral concert in the Usher Hall tomorrow night and wanted to give me mine beforehand. It seems that Blipper Blethers will be sitting in the row behind- quite a coincidence given the size of the Hall. This was the first day of the year that I have felt overdressed  and with the door to the patio open at lunch time the temperature inside and out was equal.

I spent too long this afternoon shortening some trousers. Once upon a time , although being somewhat height challenged, I could buy the short version of M&S trousers and they would fit. No longer. I am shrinking and the short trouser length is increasing  in line with the modern short lady getting taller. I used my very expensively repaired sewing machine to do the necessary. I think one leg is now marginally longer than the other one so I may have to adopt a lean to one side to equalise the look.

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