
By Groggster

Dropping Anchor As The Crows Fly

Today we didn't feel like travelling very far so just took the short hop back over to Upper Upnor for what is becoming a semi-regular pint at The Tudor Rose. It really is a unique location and on as lovely a day as today it felt like such a pleasure to be back there again. It was even enough warm enough to sit out in the garden and soak up some sunshine.
Once we had quenched our thirsts we took the minuscule drive down to Lower Upnor, it must take all of about three minutes - although even then we still managed to encounter some roadworks, to see if we could get some images and thankfully the conditions were throughly amenable as the waters of the Medway estuary were sparkling in the early afternoon sunlight.
The first image I took was actually the extra which I liked for the foreground fencing acting as a frame for the waterborne craft in the distance afloat on the glistening waters.
My main image was taken further along the shoreline when I spotted a sailor seemingly crouching on the deck to  drop his yacht's anchor - although he could just have easily be pulling it up (or more than likely neither as my knowledge of all things sailing is very much adjacent to zero)! The black marks across the image are not the crows in flight suggested by my title but just some vegetation in the foreground which pleasingly gives that impression and just happens to make a nod to what may have originally been a nautical term.
One suggested genesis for the term "as the crow flies" is that before modern navigational methods were introduced, cages of crows were kept on ships and a bird would be released from the crow's nest when required to assist navigation in the hope that it would fly directly towards land, most likely in search of the nearest food supply.

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