Craig's Journal

By CraigD

Grey Heron

The number of heron have been going down. I assumed it was because of the breeding. However today I found the real reason. A woman is allowing and actively encouraging her dog to chase the heron. I spoke to her about it and told her what she was doing was illegal. She told me that he was a spaniel and that was what they did. They chase birds and squirrels and as it was a public park she was not going to stop him or put him on a lead. The dog then jumped up on me. I told her to get her dog off me NOW. She said it is because you have food. I explained to her it was a public park and I was entitled to have food without her bloody dog jumping up on me. She ended up putting it on a lead to take it away from me. I will probably have to start going earlier as this horrible woman will not change and she will encourage the dog more now I am sure. 
The extra is the horrible woman

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