
By soozsnapz

The finance team

We 4 were the finance team at a mental health support and housing charity for about 20 years. There was a fifth, but she is currently in China visiting her mum. We are here because P, our boss aka the Finance Director is 70.  To celebrate she is having several meals out like this with her friends in small groups, rather than one big party. Which I think is a great idea. We had not believed we would celebrate this day, because she was diagnosed with a rather serious form of cancer 17 years ago, but here we are, hooray. We went to a rather upmarket and very attractive place in Bath called the Architect.  It was a great success, however, because the food was fabulous. But more importantly the staff were friendly and really welcoming, not snobby and superior which is something I slightly dread in seemingly quite posh restaurants. 

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