
By Wanderers13


When baking bread it is made the day before and cooked the following morning.  We had to be out by 8.20 meaning the oven was on at 7.00am.  It was pusscat Jacks turn to visit the vet, a 9.00am appointment, we arrived 15.00  minutes early and home by 9.30. Excellent.  A top up of food, fresh bread, butter and marmalade, and coffee and off to the craft group with fellow blipper Boomerang, (seen above paying close attention to her work), for a lovely morning of chat.  My new project will be to knit something, today I unravelled an almost finished jumper started in 2018. 

Extra shows K, again in deep concentration. It’s strange now I think about it, how everyone is concentrating at the same time managing to chat. 

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