Burnt Nurdles
This is devastating to see. Part of the cargo on one of those ships that crashed and burned in the north sea the other week was nurdles. Tiny pellets of micro plastic. The size of fish food and bird food. If they eat it it can't be digested and it fills them up and then they aren't hungry so they starve.
Well the nurdles burnt, melted into lumps and are now washing up on the shore at Gibraltar Point and on the Norfolk coast. So much more of it will still be in the sea. Much of it in the form of micro plastic.
A team from Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust was clearing the lumps off the beach while I was there today. It's a very big job. Not a lot they can do about the tiny pieces.
Extra is of the beautiful spit area where the Little Tern should be arriving to nest in about a month or so. They nest on the ground in the stony area, which used to be huge but is now just a small narrow strip of pebbles.
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