
By IainatCreel

Houton Head

The decent-recent spell is about to break, and it won’t be easy to repair.  Started weeding in a 45 mph sooth easterly, by being a’hint the dyke.   I then resorted to soil improving inside the polycrub. 
Earlier than expected this year, Mrs Findlater pitched up with her biennial ‘survey’.  I tried no making eye contact. As  usual, after some very leaden banter she handed me the tablet.  I swallowed it and she gave me a clip board.  A quick sample of the questions included:
Should the birch be brought back?
Should the oak be held back?
Should there be a lot more cruise liners in the archipelago?
Should the UK Gov’t address the problem of repeat young offenders by having ‘Edelweiss’ sung by Tony Jacklin on a month long loop. 
Should ‘life’ mean ‘life’?
Should Floccinaucinihilipilification mean Floccinaucinihilipilification?
Should taxis be compelled to run with their engines idling when in a rank?

The only question that enthused me was No 32;  I felt I just had to object against the proposed return of Crossroads.

David Abulafia is 75

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