Yes, more pink flowers :-)
Spring is so easy
for photos! Feels like cheating :-)
Please don't dob me in!
Busy again! Dropped Ben at school; did a big supermarket shop; wrangled with the bank over a payment I wanted to make to a workman that they thought was a scam but wasn't :-/ unpacked the shopping; walked the dog; had lunch and then a fairly positive meeting with the social worker (primarily about a potential holiday for Ben at a caravan park with his carers for later in the year); fetched Ben; made his lunch for tomorrow, made some pesto for tea and some Rocky Road for Mr KCNQ2Haiku's Birthday Weekend. I also finished my book, it was Bewilderment by Richard Powers, I quite liked the father/son relationship, connection with the natural world and the portrayal of neurodiversity but some of the other themes were a bit lost on me. But now, the age old problem of 'what to read next??' I'll keep you posted.
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