When I Get Older
It's my birthday today, thank you all very much, and for any music fan, or especially Beatles fan, you will get the reference to my age straight away from my blip. If not, I'll give you a few clues. But first of all, a little history of this album.
I first became aware of it when I started high school, and our music teacher used to play tracks from it in class. I was immediately enthralled with the music, from the psychedelic lyrics of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, to the Indian mysticism of Within You Without You, and everything in-between. I was already a Beatles fan, and couldn't believe that this was the same group who only four years earlier, had sung She Loves You. I still can't get my head around that, to be honest with you.
But aside from all this wonderful music, there was a song that, for this eleven year old boy, I absolutely loved. Part whimsical, part music hall, it was a song that Paul McCartney wrote on his dad's piano, when he was just fourteen. It's about a young man thinking ahead to when he will be a ripe old age, and asking the love of his life, if she will still need him, and maybe even still feed him. In return, he will do the garden, dig the weeds, and even mend the fuse box. I have a lot in common with this chap, as I can still do those things. We still like going for a ride on Sunday mornings, and, like the protagonist who has Vera, Chuck and Dave, I also have three grandchildren, two boys and a girl.
This year, the chap who wrote it, Paul McCartney, will be eighty three. He thought sixty four was ancient when he wrote it, as I did when I first heard it. Well, today that day has come. It's not When I'm Sixty Four, it's today I'm 64.https://https://youtu.be/wUDRIC5RSX4?si=UB4ECftZ1sDVkatE
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