Also known as Glory in the Snow. Don't have any snow, but a total change in the weather after the warmth and sunshine of yesterday. There was a little rain around this morning, but just cloudy this afternoon.
The extra is of a pair of magpies, there were four, but by the time I grabbed the camera and changed lenses, they had finished their morning gossip and two flew off. The tree they are on is way across the road, so was pleased to get a grab shot before they too flew off.
It was aerobic class this morning. There are a few new ladies who have joined up so quite a busy class again. Then into S'bury's Cafe for coffee. Only three more weeks before it is scheduled to close. Did a bit of shopping and home. So a lazy afternoon, other than popping into the garden to snap the flowers. Spotted a couple of stray white hyacinths, so need to find a home for them and the ones in the greenhouse.
Have a wonderful weekend what ever you have planned. Thank you for dropping by, and for all your comments and rewards, much appreciated as always :-)x
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