Everyday Life

By Julez

Lazy Blip!

Work this morning! It was busy, but not chaos (mostly!) A good shift really. 

I was knackered by home time though, and just popped to Tesco for something quick and easy for my tea. First I nipped for a pee, and when I came out of the loos, someone had nicked my little trolley! There'd been plenty today too, so no excuse! 

I bet whoever took it had been to the loo or cafe themselves and couldn't be arsed to go outside to get a trolley. They took out the magazine I had in there and dumped it in another, big trolley! Which I took! 

I'd wanted to stock up on Migraleve but the pharmacy had a huge queue. They close for an hour for lunch, 1pm-2pm, and though it was 2 there was no sign of any staff and I didn't have the energy to wait!

Then I managed to join the slowest checkout queue. Someone was buying plants and it took ages, not helped by the cashier being more interested in gossiping with the woman on the next till!

When I finally got out I walked home the quicker way - usually I go the long way to get more steps, but I'd had enough by then and wanted to get home!

Once back I put on a wash load and watched a Vera episode while Brian visited his family.

The photo is a pretty bouquet in Tesco. I like flowers, but prefer to see them in the park or a garden. And I can never be sure what is and isn't cat - friendly!

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