A running jump
Another rather cloudy day, but the thermometer persuaded me that it was 18 degrees out on the deck. Our young red squirrel was around, hiding up in the nearby tree, so I put some hazelnuts on the tray on the fence and before long he was back, squatting on a nearby post. I rushed for the camera and caught him a millisecond before he ran for it - his head is slightly out of focus. In my second shot only his back feet are sharp as he leapt for cover!
I spread a bulk bag in the back of the car and loaded up all the chopped shrub prunings to take to the dump - we just managed to shut the tailgate! Just a short ride to the dump and we tipped the lot into the garden waste skip!
Spent most of the afternoon out on the deck, continuing with the potting and labelling - this will go on for some time! One day I'll get them planted out! One of my favourites is Isoplexis 'Bella', a form of the shrubby foxglove from the Canary Islands. Strangely some websites call it a perennial, but it's definitely woody - https://conceptplants.com/varieties/isoplexis-bella . It's not too hardy, very much on the borderline here.
Quote of the Day: '‘The red squirrel is more common and less dignified than the gray, and oftener guilty of petty larceny about the barns and grain-fields.’ - John Burroughs.
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