
By Fuentes3


Because of comments on yesterday´s water mill at Les Mestes, I´m posting this photo of a tide mill, called L´enciena, which is at Tornon, Villaviciosa. The photo is taken from the back of the mill. In front of the mill, the far side from us, is the ría itself, with mudflats that occur according to the state of the tide. On our side of the mill is a lagoon. When tides rise, water flows from the ría into the lagoon, turning the mill wheel; and when tides fall, the flow reverses but the wheel still turns.  I´ve seen these at Faro in Portugal and near Santander in Cantabria, and I´ve seen a photo of one in England but I don´t recall where. 
The mill belongs to the family of Rodrigo Rato, a prominent Spanish politician about whom I´ll not say more - Google probably does. The mill is capable of working and occasionally does, but not as a business. 
In extra, because the map is not working for me today, I´ll post a photo taken from the same spot but showing the mouth of the ría, just so the position is clear. 
Also in extra I´ll post a photo - two photos - showing the walking path of the river from Valbucar that has a collection of ruined mills along it.  Every named dot on the  approximately10 km route is a ruined mill...

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