Into Murnau this morning on a not-too-early train, VeroS catching the same one from Munich, to meet some more old friends and yak away merrily. Not so much yakking from me, more the occasional interruption! Then a wander towards Murnauer Moos and the usual great views towards the Alps, a quick aperitif at Ändl and the train home.
Sat out on the terrace enjoying the last of the afternoon sun for a while and, after chatting with a neighbour, we think we know what’s caused the fine layer of black ash that’s covered everything - the new local power plant that’s providing our hot water is burning pellets. Should have known, we’ve traded cheaper water for poorer air.
It being a Thursday we then took ourselves off to Greither9 for the evening - they’re really the only pub in town but only open Thursdays & Fridays and for a few months of the year. A retirement project! Black Madonna beer and a trio of sausages to end the day. Super!
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