Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


The Abstract Thursday challenge is 'abstract happiness' .  Seeing all the Spring flowers that are about at the moment makes me happy.  And today is the Spring Equinox so some Spring flowers seemed to be a good choice for the challenge.  I had fun doing some processing to make my abstract collage ( the flowers are Lesser Celandine, Tulip and Primula.)   Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

The weather today was certainly Spring-like.  Quite warm and sunny.  So I did a bit of tidying in the back garden.  Still loads to do but at least Ive made a start.

Paul -  "The Rat Man"  was due around 4pm so I made sure I was indoors well before then.  However 4pm came and went with no sign of him.  I got ready to walk to slimming ( no lift from Michelle this week as shes on a work trip ) When I went into the lobby to leave the house I saw a note on the doormat from Paul  saying he had called and there was no answer so  he would come back tomorrow afternoon..  I guess he must have come early while I was in the back garden.  I messaged him to say tomorrow afternoon isn't convenient ... so he's coming on Monday instead.

Had a pleasant walk to slimming group - weather was still nice.  Had a gain of 2½ pounds..  Not surprising as I wasn't " on plan " while I was away over the weekend. Got a lift home from Alyson.

Steps today - 7,764


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