
By TMac

Day 64. Spring Sunshine.

Day 64.

Today I am grateful for the warmth of Spring sunshine.
I found it very difficult to motivate myself this morning. I was overwhelmingly tired, and sorer than I'd like. I contemplated staying under the duvet.
But the lure of the lovely Agnes McAdam yoga class encouraged me to get up.
It was bright with a touch of gentle frost when I left the house but the Spring sunshine brought light and inspiration. After a comforting yoga session, I felt better prepared to face the rest of the day.
Multiple traffic lights threatened my sense of humour whilst driving around with food bank deliveries, but still the sun shone.
My final delivery was out of town in the countryside. Afterwards, I found myself on a small back road and noticed some abandoned gravestones, so I parked up and went for a walk in the warm sunshine. 
Once I found my bearings, I realised that I was wandering through the woods behind Tullibole Castle. The graveyard intrigued me so I looked it up afterwards:

"Tullibole Church.

This church is represented merely by foundations on the northern side of a derelict graveyard. The oldest tombstone above ground is that of James Liuiston, who died in 1660, but there are several memorials of the second quarter of the 18th century."

Photo from the graveyard. 

Not sure I managed a full mile but if we add in deliveries and a wander round 2 supermarkets, I probably hit my target...

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