
By MerrilHope

Hockley (again)

Well goodness gracious me!  Today was, wait for it....... HOT.  So much so that I was uncomfortably warm in the clothes I was wearing when walking the woofer this morning. Meanwhile, in the garden, Tortie ate half a lettuce and a jumbo pile of dandelions while basking in the glorious sunshine. Always a good sign.

This beautiful weather lasted all day.

After walking the woofer, I drove to Hockley (again), to view a property for sale. The location is very near some beautiful green spaces where Rufus would have a wonderful time as can be seen in today's photo, and also not too far from Hockley Woods where Gareth and I walked on Sunday (here) and the railway station. However, the house was only ok. I much prefer the house in Hullbridge that I saw three weeks ago, but, of course, the location wasn't as good. I need to consider my options, which obviously include not moving at all. 

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