
By Cumbrialass

The strange case of the books in the woods

Another lovely day. Warm and no breeze.
We drove along the coast road to Sea wood, contemplating how lucky we are to live in a beautiful area. 
The silky blue sea was sliding up to high tide so we made the right choice for a woodland walk rather than on the ( now covered) beach.

The trees are still bare but the celadines were out as well as a few anemones. 
As we reached the far end we spotted several books that someone had attempted to burn. They were sodden so we assume someone ( else?) then extinguished the flames. 
M made a little pile for me to photgraph. 

Why would anyone bring several books into a wood and set alight to them?? 

 All of a similar genre by best selling authors, eg Lee  Child , Lynwood Barclay. But  obviously not enjoyed by our pyrotechnic. 

We then wandered on enjoying the peace and quiet. Even quieter than usual as the lane at the far end of the wood was closed to traffic. 

We then drove down to Roy's Ices. It's been there for years and always popular but weve never stopped to sample the icecream  before 
One tub for M ( double scoop of Lakes Icecream  Sticky toffee pudding flavour ) and a 99 for me . £5.60 . Delicious. 

We were out for a few hours. A lovely day

And the warm weather meant our TPMS light went off! Yay

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