Spot the Wood Pigeon
This is the third consecutive day of sunshine and once more the Meadows is hosting a multitude of sun worshipers in convivial groups. My phone says it’s 11° feeling like 10° but I am sitting suitable wrapped up outside on the patio underneath the scaffolding which is still here unfortunately with no sign of it being taken down today. The sun is warm but the air has a northerly chill to it.
This should have been another swim day at Porty but I was thwarted by the arrival of a painter to prepare my bedroom ceiling for repainting after the flood from the flat above nearly 2 years ago. It’s taken all this time to arrange a time and a painter. He’s coming again tomorrow so I can’t take advantage of any further good weather to go down to Porty.
I did manage to leave the house later for a coffee and a walk to Tollcross for bread. Leven Terrace with the swathe of daffodils starting to bloom is always a lovely sight in the Spring.
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