Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Flying high

Today I went to Den Haag for attending the funeral service of my friend's mama, who died last week at the age of 91 years. She'd learned 10 days earlier that her mom was admitted to hospital coz of pneumonia (she and her man came instantly from Salonika to Holland) and a little later she was sent back to the caring home, where they could give her all the care she needed in her final days and my friend and her relatives could be as much as they wanted with her mama and daddy, who realised he's to let go the Love of his life (76 years together). They were gathered around the bed of his beloved wife and when the granddaughters wished her a good night, she asked the girls to stay longer and carry on with their talks as she loved to hear their voices... their grandma fell asleep after a while, with the voices of her granddaughters in her ears and she didn't wake up the following morning anymore... What a sweet way of finding her death at this old age.  We know she will be missed by many, but also remembered by many with great gratitude and love.

These crows hoovering above me I spotted yesterday on my walks... they do well for today as to visualize Irene's spirit up high in the sky.

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