campervan man

By campervan

That's more like it.

Warm and sunny and not too hot.
Went into town, coffee in one place small beer in another. Back for lunch and then a stroll along the prom. The sea is quite boisterous and noisy, I  have discovered the word the describes the small flecks of salty water that fills the air and covers my glasses is spindrift. The glasses, still quite new and expensive, were carefully cleaned on our return.
Evening meal with copious wine to end a good day.
On the local news we saw the provincial government were issuing serious storm, wind and flood warnings in this area for the next few days. That could be interesting. Our changeable weather is a contrast to the glorious conditions back home. Never mind the rest and relaxation is working well and I will be able to attack the garden on our return with renewed vigor.

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