The second half of life..

By twigs


....and paths.  Found this grape leaf in the garden today when it was being gloriously lit by the strong (but not hot) sun.  Can't resist a textured autumn-coloured leaf.

A Fixit popped in to measure and quote for replacing some old piping this morning....not much point in dealing to the tiled area or bark garden until I'm sure there'll be no more leaks. underneath.  Fingers crossed.  I'll be getting 3 quotes but this company were well ahead of the play and super-quick to respond which puts them a step ahead of the others already.  

Started the stack-attack but barely made a scratch on the pile.  Tomorrow's shaping up to be busy too so it's looking like it'll be a long, drawn out job.  *Sigh*

T is in theatre as I type this......fingers and toes all crossed for the emergence of a re-energised, more bionic T in a few hours xx

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