A time for everything

By turnx3

Early Spring display at Krohn Conservatory

Music Live at Lunch today featured Queen City Vintage vibe, a jazz quartet with piano, double bass, clarinet and trumpet. It was another warm, partly sunny day, so afterwards, we went to the early Spring display at Krohn Conservatory in Eden Park. It was a good time to go, as there weren’t many people there. I was surprised to see some of the star magnolias in blossom in the adjacent area - see extra.
When we got home, Roger started work on replacing our fake shutters. The old ones were wood with slats, and had been painted, but the paint was peeling off and they were looking very shabby. We had ordered them from Menards some time before Christmas, but they didn’t come in until the end of January. Since then we’ve been waiting for temperatures to warm up. The new ones are solid (no slats) and made of coloured plastic, much lighter, and no paint to peel off! After some deliberation, we had decided on a dark green colour, the old ones were painted a lighter green. I’ll probably post some pictures at some point.

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